
wud u rather go for something that ur heart is not a hundred percent into? just for the sake of showing someone how much u appreciate there effort and time to show u how much they care?

or would u rather be selfless enough to let them go and find there own happiness... even if it means losing someone who has grown to be a part of ur life and healing? and risking the what might have beens and what could be?

and knowing the possibilty that someday... somewhere... seeing them happy w/ someone else and knowing that u made that happen might be one of the biggest mistakes uve ever done.

The Little Girl and the Big CHAnge.

i feel so sad.. i never thought the time would come that i would seriously consider leaving our homeland to go live in a foreign one. And today it just did. And I'm serious about it. Its not bcoz of the economy, nor poverty. I can only take so much of this crap that our Government has been putting us through.

Corruption? that's a given.

Anomalies? What the hell is effin' new?!!!

But for them to strip me off my rights to have the freedom to choose who in my own, honest, and personal opinion has the capacity to lead our country and provide good governance... that's something I refuse to just watch happen.

It's hard enough to swallow the fact that they have been stealing from us since day one, while continuously adding to our already worth a Trillion debt in the World Bank.. that mind you... I am pretty sure will carry on to my son's generation of hard working tax payers... but for them to come to this extent? to just push through this w/ complete, total, and blatant disregard to the people's cries of disapproval and dismay?? just bcoz it would play to the best of their interest???

How dare them... and most importantly to the LITTLE GIRL behind all this? How dare you... I never really had any respect for you... never liked you, and never will, but I never thought I would despise you this much.... that it has come to the extent that seeing bad things happen to you... would be equivalent to any day that id have a bowl of popcorn on my lap and a glass of soda in my hands.

Is there really nothing else that we can do as Filipinoes to show our protest to this Little Girl but organize a rally??? coz that is so 2003... and that is the main reason why that despicable person is in the palace in the 1st place!!

I thought her reign would soon be over, and i have been praying that she will be replaced by someone who is the "Lesser Evil" coz I honestly think that so far she is the Ultimate one. And now there's a really good chance that that's not even gonna happen for the dimwit refuses to step down from power.

Im sick of her.
I've had enough of her.
I want her out of that palace.
Out of the Government System.
and most Importantly out of power.

I want a new leader.
I want to exercise my freedom and right to choose one.
I want to vote.

And the sad part is... as of the moment.. I really don't think that there is really someone who can stop her from executing her evil plans... and the only way I can think of, for me not to be under her governance, is to simply get out of the place where it applies..

I have never been a hard core patriot.. But I love this country and am proud to be a Filipino..
But right now... if this CHAnge really does happen.. This is not really the place where I want my son to grow up in. If they will strip me off my rights.. Im sure as hell they would my son too.

May God Help Us All.

Pacquiao eyes Mayweather fight in October

MANILA (AFP) - - Manny Pacquiao said he will climb back into the ring in October to fight Floyd Mayweather or whoever his promoters deem fit after the Philippines boxing superstar took a sixth world title.

The awesome "Pacman" knocked out Ricky Hatton with a devastating left hook in the second round in Las Vegas on Saturday for his 10th triumph in a row and claimed the Briton's International Boxing Organisation junior welterweight world title, equalling a record of six weight titles.

"My next fight will probably be in October or November," Pacquiao, who started his ring career as a light-flyweight, told DZBB radio here by telephone as he returned to his Los Angeles home.

He said he would go on vacation with his family while keeping an eye on the outcome of former undisputed welterweight champion Mayweather's comeback fight on July 18 against Mexico's Juan Manuel Marquez.

"I will probably fight Mayweather, but I am ready to fight whoever my promoters want me to face," he said.

Pacquiao took on then retired Mayweather's title as the world's best pound-for-pound fighter after pummelling Oscar de la Hoya into retirement in December.

Manila newspapers on Monday feted the rags-to-riches Pacquiao, splashing huge pictures of his Hatton knockout on their front pages.

"The greatest fighter ever," the Philippine Star crowed, echoing a claim made by his US promoter Bob Arum.

"A great day for the Philippines," said the Manila Standard Today. "Pacquiao now boxing legend," said the Philippine Daily Inquirer.

His trainer Freddie Roach however suggested on Saturday that a big-money showdown with Mayweather will not happen any time soon unless the American comes down to 140 pounds, where the Filipino is the current king.

The fate of Ricky Hatton is less clear with former world featherweight champion Barry McGuigan urging him to hang up his gloves, saying his career is over following his defeat.

"After a loss like that there is no point talking about a future in the ring," he wrote in the Daily Mirror, after Hatton was knocked out in Las Vegas.

McGuigan added: "He was a world class boxer, one of Britain's finest, no question. Now it is time to go."

He said Hatton "need not come down hard on himself", saying Pacquiao and Floyd Mayweather Jnr, who beat Hatton in the same ring 17 months ago, were "two of the greatest fighters to have laced gloves".

"Hatton was relentless himself at his best. He has compiled a fabulous career and put serious money in the bank. There is no point carrying on," McGuigan wrote.

"It won't ever undo the defeats of the past 18 months and he has no chance of avenging them at this stage."


Anything that you truly want.... Has to be worth fighting for.: Pacquiao scores huge knockout win over Hatton

Anything that you truly want.... Has to be worth fighting for.: Pacquiao scores huge knockout win over Hatton

Pacquiao scores huge knockout win over Hatton

LAS VEGAS – Manny Pacquiao was dominating. Ricky Hatton was left helpless.

Pacquiao cemented his claim to being the best pound-for-pound boxer Saturday night with a spectacular performance that ended with Hatton sprawled out on the canvas after a devastating left hand to the head late in the second round.

Coming off an overwhelming win over Oscar De La Hoya, Pacquiao was even better against Hatton, knocking him down two times in the first round before finally stopping him with a vicious left hand that dropped Hatton for good in the 140-pound title bout.

Referee Kenny Bayless took one look at Hatton and declared the fight over at 2:59 of the round.

"I didn't have to count," Bayless said.

Pacquiao needed less than half a round to figure out the onrushing Hatton, hitting him with a flurry of punches midway through the first round before putting him down for the first time with a right hook to the head. Hatton got up at the count of eight but Pacquiao landed another flurry and dropped him again just before the end of the round.

Hatton attempted to carry the fight to Pacquiao in the second round but was mostly ineffective as Pacquiao sized him up for a big punch. It finally came at the end of the round when he landed a left cross that flattened the English fighter.

"I'm surprised the fight was so easy," Pacquiao said. "He was wide open for the right hook. I knew he would be looking for my left."

Pacquiao was a 2-1 favorite, but few thought Hatton would go easily. His only loss came when he was stopped in the 10th round by Floyd Mayweather Jr., and he built a career and a reputation as a tough and aggressive fighter who wore his opponents down.

But he stood no chance against Pacquiao, whose punches came straight down the middle and landed with increasing frequency as the fight went on.

"I was just doing my job," said Pacquiao, who is a national hero in the Philippines and is fast becoming a hero among boxing fans. "I always try to do my best in the ring."

Pacquiao's best on this night quickly quieted a boisterous crowd of 16,262 at the MGM Grand arena, many of them who came over from England to sing and chant Hatton's praises. They didn't even get a chance to warm up, though, before Hatton was on the canvas for the first time of the night.

"The fight was no surprise to me," Pacquiao's trainer, Freddie Roach, said. "We know he always pumps his hands before he throws a punch. He's a sucker for the right hook."

Hatton finally rose from the canvas after several minutes as doctors tended to him and Pacquiao's corner celebrated. He walked from the ring with a wry grin on his face, while his fans serenaded him with one last verse of "Winter Wonderland."

"That's boxing," said Floyd Mayweather Sr., Hatton's trainer.

On the same day Mayweather announced his return to the ring with a July 18 fight against Juan Manuel Marquez, Pacquiao stole the undefeated former champion's thunder with a performance that was so lopsided it looked like a sparring session. The southpaw easily got away from Hatton's wild advances and just as easily hit him with punches that shouldn't come from a fighter who was fighting above 130 pounds for only the third time.

Pacquiao weighed 138 pounds for the fight to 140 for Hatton, and was fighting a bigger man for the second time in a row. But nothing seems to bother the boxer who is so popular at home that there is talk of him running for president some day.

Pacquiao (49-3-2, 37 knockouts) earned $12 million for the fight, while Hatton (45-2) was paid $8 million.

On the undercard, Mexico's Humberto Soto knocked Benoit Gaudet of Canada down early in the ninth round and then stopped him with a flurry of punches to retain his 130-pound super featherweight title. It was the second defense of the title for Soto, who improved to 48-7-2 with 31 knockouts, while Gaudet fell to 20-2.



i’ve been single for almost 3 years now.. it has been great.. coz i rediscovered the person that i stopped being when i was so lost into the relationships i had w/ my exes. not that it was their fault… i know now that the changes that we allow to happen in our life happened because we didn’t challenge it and instead allowed it to control us.. but always.. u have to know when to pull urself back to the reality that u want. we all have different realities in our life and its up to us to choose which will truly make us happy, give us the freedom to be what and who we want to be without feeling guilty and compromising our values and beliefs and what will make us a better person.

on my part i have to say in more ways than one I learned the hard way.. stumbled.. fell completely on my butt, at one point i felt disregarded, disrespected, and yes.. alone..

do i regret the things that happened in my life that led me to all these?? no.. and that is with all honesty.. coz if these things and situations and also people did not come my way and made me go through it all… i wouldn’t be the person I am now.. and i have to say… I like myself better now.. I’ve matured.. no longer selfish… more sensitive to other people’s feelings.. (especially my parents), im more patient now… and I’m no longer after things just because i think it would make me happy or get ahead of everyone.

ive made a lot of bad and questionable choices in my life (and this i regret) and im not proud of it. hurt a lot of people.. gave some people a taste of hell because i thought that’s what they deserved for doing me wrong… i did all these… for one reason… because I know I can.

but during these trying times.. was when i learned who my true friends were.. and how much i’m being loved by my family.. and that… i was never alone and more blessed than i ever thought i was.

they taught me a valuable lesson.. and that is to never be too proud to say that you’re hurt, and that crying doesn’t mean that you’re defeated nor surrendering to the battle.. nor does it mean that you’re weak.. in fact it even makes u stronger.. coz by crying u are admitting that there’s something wrong… and that is has to be dealt with.. and that sometimes… no matter how strong or tough you think you are.. you would still need the help and the reassuring arms of the people who cares for u.. just to get through something or just to merely get through the day.

I’m done acting and pretending that everything’s ok.. I no longer want to show people that I can easily laugh off and shrug whatever it is that’s been hurting me.. I’m done fighting back tears just so I wouldn’t be mistaken as a “Damsel in Distress”. I’m done planning and executing vengeance.. I’m done with wanting to get even.

I’m done with that..

What I am into now.. is forgiving the people who hurt me.. whether intentionally or not.. and to no longer allow anger & resentment control my life and my heart.

and learning to accept that in this life… there are people who would come along and hurt u without meaning to, that sometimes life would throw us heartaches, confusions, sorrow,….and loss… and all we have to do when these things come along is to just go down on our knees and bow down in prayer… and to just surrender everything to him… and let him take it from there..

and after all these breath a sigh of relief and let your faith take over.

For Now... I just want to Smile.

i miss you. i really do.. the problem is u don’t know. and i dont think u will ever know.. because i won’t tell you.. and i choose not to tell you.. because im not yet ready for whats going to happen next if i tell u these three words.

its a good thing u dont read blogs.. coz otherwise… im busted… but who cares? maybe its a bad thing.. i don’t know.. im not sure.

all i know is I sometimes think of you.. I sometimes wish that i’m with you.. but thankful that im not.. coz atleast.. i just miss you.. just miss you.. anything more than that would be stressful for me. and that’s the last thing i need right now.

im not scared of u finding out how i feel.. im not scared of u possibly telling me that u’ve moved on and that u feel totally different now.. im ok w/u telling me that i had the chance before but chose somebody else over u.. by the way.. now more than ever… i realized that it was a mistake.. but also knows that everything happens for a reason. i know i blew it, and that it would take a lot from u to take a chance on me again.

im more scared of finding out that u actually do feel the same way.. coz then what? whatever situation it might bring us into.. i wouldn’t want.. coz im in a place right now.. where i dont really need anything romantic. im happy the way things are.

im happy being single.. stress free.. worry free.. no one to argue w/.. answer to.. everything’s well.. i don’t miss the cuddling.. the sweet nothings.. the i love you’s, roses. chocolates.. movie outs.. i dont need that right now.. unless it’s with you.

so there u go..

oh and before I end this.. i just want to thank you.. why? here’s why…

coz for the longest time.. ive shut myself from the possibility of actually liking or falling for someone.. because of the things that happened to me in the past. i feel like its just a waste of time, energy, and emotion.. till i saw u again.

i never thought that just the thought of someone would make me smile again.. feel butterflies in my stomach again and actually blush.. and u did all that w/ just two meetings.. so thank u.. thank u for that.

thank u for making me smile again.. that’s enough for now.

and if ever we will get together in the future…. hmmmm…. let’s see.

but right now.. i just want to smile.. and i mean really smile.. haven’t felt like doing that for a while..

so feel free to cross my mind anytime u want.

until then…

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