Here's To..

Break ups are hard, not only for the used to be couple, but also to the people who were brought together by their relationship. They also have to move on & move forward, and just watch from afar, the once perfect couple starting a new life without each other.

If only breaking hearts would sound like huge doors banging, bombs exploding, or glasses shattering to shake up the world, maybe there would be less hurt and pain in people's lives. Maybe through this we'd be careful with our promises, actions, and words to one another, and to whom we give our hearts to.

But hearts break in silence,without a sound, it battles through every painful cut, and you just know...
it will never be the same again. But you know what's great about it? It'll live on, continue beating till every wound becomes a scar, and every pain becomes life's lesson. And it will love again, maybe not the same as before, but even more than it ever has.

So, here's to moving on and starting anew. Here's to break ups that gives newly singles the chance to grow in their own right, here's to being on ur own to find your true self. Here's to the people that could relate one way or another. And here's to friends that will help you through.

Here's to sleepless nights, to tears that would make you stronger, to looking back on experiences that would make you wiser, to pain that would make u tougher. Here's to letting go.

To love lost, to memories forced to be a thing of the past, here's to new beginnings, here's to new hellos, here's to step 1 of moving forward....

the hardest of them all...



Here comes Goodbye.

June 7, 2010 at 4:41pm

Cold Morning

Woke up to this cold m0rning, th0ughts started c0ming in. Recent events had me thinking, a break up btwn 2 close frnds, a family member getng sick, a BFF leaving for h0pes of better chances in lyf.

This events mybe diffrnt circumstances. But c0mm0n den0minat0r here's losing s0methng one way or an0ther.

A love lost, due to wanting same things in lyf & for echothr but circumstances are pulling 'em in diffrnt directi0ns.

Loss of freed0m to be a fully functi0nal Mother & wife due to being diagn0sed w/ AML.

Loss of time w/ her family due to not having the c0nfidence that she'd be able to provide for them in our country's ec0n0mic state.

I for one wouldn't say I kn0w what they're going thr0ugh, coz I'm sure as hell I d0nt, but w/n me lies d h0pe that, things will get better. It mybe raining n0w, it may take 4evr for the last dr0p to fall, but it will. The sun will be out soon, st0rm will pass, the w0rst will be over, and that, u maybe br0ken inside...

But Hey, ur Ok. Ü

Sunday, June 6, 2010 at 7:22am
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