Replace The Negatives In Your Life, With Positives And Move Your Life Ahead.

Most of us are not aware of the amount of negative influences in our lives.  We are bombarded with negative messages from the media, the people around us, and most damaging of all, ourselves.

The first step in the process in replacing negatives with positives in your life is to make a decision to start looking for the negative messages and ways to replace them with positives. Decide that you will focus on the positive in this world.
Begin to drastically cut down on the amount of news you take in.  Most people start their day with the news. And of course most of the news is bad news, fires, floods, etc.  Then it is on to traffic and weather, which also stresses the negatives.  So by the time you have finished your coffee, you have had enough bad news to last a week. Does all this bad news make you want to throw open the door and greet the new days, no quite the opposite.  And how about the way we end the day?  Many of us watch the news before going to bed and get a big dose of negative information just before trying to go to sleep.  Is it any wonder so many people have trouble sleeping?  The mood we are in before we go to sleep carries over to the next morning, so you are setting yourself up for starting the next day in a bad mood. Odds are you don’t need all that negative information you are taking in from the news, and you will function just fine without it.

Replace the news you were taking in with such things as, motivational tapes, uplifting music and sites that stress good news. Also reading empowering books helps a great deal. Books can be a fantastic way to recharge your life.  Look for success stories, biographies of successful people, etc and see what works for you.  You will begin to feel better right away.

Your next step is to limit the amount of TV you watch.  A recent study showed that 78% of the people watching TV, are not interested in the program they are watching at any given time.  So watching TV is probably making you bored at best, and taking you away from actives that would be more fun.  Prime time is the period when most people are watching TV; you can make it your prime time by turning off the TV and using that time to move your life ahead.
Next you need to limit your exposure to negative people.  Most people don’t realize how draining it is to be around negative people, but they drain your energy and spirit in many ways.  Negative people pull you down, so work to remove them from your life to the extent you can.  Never get involved in the office pity party, or complaint sessions that come your way.   Seek out people that support you and that you feel good being around and use these people to replace the negative people in your life.

The most damaging source of negativity is ourselves.  Most of us generate lots of negative self talk that our minds accept as the truth and results in our being held back in many ways.  We focus on our shortcomings, our problems, and spend our time predicting more bad news for ourselves, generating lots of fear and worry, while undercutting our ability to try new things, etc.  Begin to focus on the positive aspects of you.  What are your unique strengths, what have you accomplished, how are you different and better than other people?  Use visualization and affirmations to build images of yourself accomplishing the things you want and use these to replace the negative images.  Give yourself lots of credit for everything you do right, so you are getting even more positive news about yourself.  Also, set aside three minutes every day to think about all the good things you have in your life right now.  The process of thinking of the good things in your life, will generate good feelings for you that will last much of the day.

Don’t forget to take care of your body.  Eat healthy, cut out some bad habits, and get regular exercise in order to boost your self-esteem while building your strength and endurance, so you can accomplish more.

Helping others will also help you feel better about yourself.  Take time to get involved in a charity, animal shelter, or other activates that help others.  You will get good feedback from others and develop a genuine sense that you are a good person.  What you put out comes back to you, so make sure it is good that goes out.

By replacing the negatives in your life, with positives, you will make yourself and probably the world a better place.  You will feel better mentally and physically, plus accomplish many of the things you wanted to.  Nothing is ever accomplished without action, so start now to move your life ahead.

No Guarantees

Life is like a road. There are long and short roads; smooth and rocky roads; crooked and straight paths. Just like any road, there are corners, detours, and crossroads in life. Definitely the most confusing road that you come across is a crossroad. With four roads to choose from and with limited knowledge on where they would go, which road will you take?
There are no guarantees. This is one of the most essential things you must understand about life. Nobody alleged that choosing to do the right thing all the time would always lead you to happiness. Loving someone with all your heart does not guarantee that it will be returned. Gaining fame and fortune does not guarantee happiness.  There are many potential outcomes, which you cannot control. The only thing you have power over is the decisions that you will make, and how you react to different situations.

Had you known that you were making an erroneous decision, would you have gone along with it? Definitely not, why would you choose a particular path when you know it would get you lost? However, think about results that occurred because you did make that decision?  Was there something good that came from it?  Did you learn a lesson?
You can’t allow indecision about whether your choice is right or wrong cause you to be immobile.  You need to keep moving along your life’s road and sometimes that means having blind faith in yourself and your decision-making. If you have taken the time to know yourself and what you want from life, you can better your chances of making correct decisions, even when there are unknowns involved.

Life can be an exciting, albeit, bumpy at times, ride.  Don’t let indecision find you sitting on the curb and watching everyone pass you buy.  Risk it, take that chance, and you will not regret that you did.

A Purpose Given Is A Purpose Worth Living

These days there’s a mad rush to be purpose driven and I wholeheartly agree, it is better to be purpose driven than going in reverse or stuck in neutral. However, why would I be content to be just purpose driven and not living my life’s purpose on purpose? I believe the real reason most people are okay with being just purpose driven is because they don’t know how to identify their real purpose for existing or what purpose means when it relates to individuals.  If you’re readi...

purpose, passion, direction, guidance, life, virtues, self-examination, happiness, love, call, field

These days there’s a mad rush to be purpose driven and I wholeheartly agree, it is better to be purpose driven than going in reverse or stuck in neutral. However, why would I be content to be just purpose driven and not living my life’s purpose on purpose? I believe the real reason most people are okay with being just purpose driven is because they don’t know how to identify their real purpose for existing or what purpose means when it relates to individuals.  If you’re reading this article, this is the day that was created for you to begin living your life with a purpose on purpose.

The (buzz) word purpose can be substituted for a number of words, some of which could be reason, intention, intent, use, idea, objective, aim, function or determination. In my opinion, a purpose is the reason why you exist to fulfill a specific task that only you can fulfill at a specific time and season here on the earth. A purpose should not, but often times are confused with a person’s call. Purpose and call are different. A call is a particular business, occupation, profession or trade. Once again, purpose is your intended reason for being.  Most people live out their lives fulfilling their call, not their purpose. They have prepared themselves for a chosen field or profession. Since they do not know their purpose, they work in that field unhappy for many years and retire. They never venture out to find out what makes them happy. I’ve finally mentioned the operative word---HAPPY, not just purpose!

Although happiness is evident when you are fulfilling your purpose, there are several other key VIRTUES that will accompany happiness. First, how do we begin to find what our purpose is in life?  Why are we here? Like everything else in life, finding your purpose, begins with finding and understanding of who you are. Understanding one’s self is a process that most people neglect or choose not to go through. Understanding who you are as well as self-examination and evaluation is the beginning of identifying your purpose. It is important you get a mental picture of what you look like living your purpose now. I believe one of the most powerful forces in the universe is love and another is our ability to choose our own thoughts. A single action is derived from a thought. One of my favorite sayings is, “The me I see, is the me I’ll be.” In other words, I must begin to see myself as I want to be and not as I am. Once you can mentally see yourself living your purpose, those very images and thoughts you have about yourself will began to draw the desired thought patterns and behavior into your life that will produce what you desire.

Determining to change your way of thinking about yourself is paramount if you want to find your purpose. Another important area for identifying your purpose is discovering the spiritual part of you. You must become spiritually centered and develop a spiritual relationship with God. Some people don’t believe that there is a God, but just because the belief exists, does not mean that the belief is truth and nor does it mean that God does not exist. Research has suggested that people who have engaged and nurtured a personal relationship with God live healthier, happier, successful and longer lives than those who do not.  It is out of the spiritual you that you will determine and establish your moral and value system. Your own beliefs of right and wrong and live your life according to those very beliefs without compromising them for anyone. And as you continue on the path to living your purpose, don’t forget to mentally see yourself purpose living.

At this point of discovery you will start to identify your passion if you don’t already know.  What is it that gives you a burning desire to fulfill or complete in life? If you are driven with passion to do certain things and you are really focused on these things as well as get great fulfillment and enjoyment in doing them, then you may have identified your purpose. However, most have not arrived to this place unless they understand the importance of relationships and serving others.

Along with developing relationships and serving others, you must also master the art of effective communications and setting boundaries.  Learning how to effectively communicate in all of your relationships will enable you to successfully set boundaries. Setting boundaries will bring and give you the respect you need to have long, successful and lasting relationships. These same boundaries will also help you in accepting and respecting the boundaries of others.

Once you are confident in your relationships with boundaries, you are now ready to re-evaluate and establish your goals. A goal can be the same as a purpose, but try looking at goals as an outline of achievements to your path. Let goals be nothing more than categories and sub-categories of the outline in which you have created. With this same outline, now you can begin to road map your success of accomplishing these goals step by step.

Finally, finding your purpose in life is not a secret, nor is it a complicated task. It does however require a commitment and dedication on your part to transform yourself from the inside out from a purpose given into a life with a purpose that you’re living.

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