you don't have to be rude to make a point, you don't have to shout to get the point across.
you can always choose to be tactful or tactless, if u choose the latter, don't tag it as "that's just the way i am..."
coz that's BS!! Everything that comes out of your mouth is ur responsibility!
you don't have to put other people down just to feel better about yourself,.
you don't have to put the blame on others just cause u can't stand the thought of being at fault.
and if people quit u, it's either they need a breather, a space to let u realize how you've been behaving.. or..
they've had enough of what you dish out, and just say.." screw you, I'm done."
there are people who can get by and tolerate rudeness and uncalled for sarcasm.. and that's okay..
but im not one of them.. so don't be one to me.
and if that makes me a bad person.. then so be it..
bottom line..
A friend wouldn't mistreat a friend.
and im sick of being mistreated, and disrespected... and the person not even realizing that they're being
who the hell would want to be in the company of someone who makes u feel bad more than half of the day?
yun lang naman....
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