Till Then...

Day by day, im drawn to this f0rce of nature. I may n0t sh0w it, may n0t luk lyk it, may n0t even say it, but i am, m0re than u kn0w.

They say infatuati0n only lasts for 4 m0nths... Then i d0n't want to c0unt. I wish i could be lyk th0se other girls, n0t afraid t0 sh0w what and h0w they feel. I wish i can have that... Freed0m.

But i d0n't.

So i'll just c0ntent myself by putting my hands up, and play my s0ng, till the butterflies fly away. N0d my head, m0ve my hips, ill just dance, it's g0nna be okay, spin the rec0rd, it's g0nna be okay, i'll just dance, till i'm breathless, c0z I wanna be with this f0rce of nature... So freakin' bad...

Thursday, October 21, 2010 at 8:12am


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