
It's okay when people laugh at me when they see how transparent i am with how and what i feel, as long as it doesn't cross the line.
i've always been tagged as "emotional". i say and act how i feel. i look happy when i am, i appear sad if i am, i'm caught in pure surprise when i am, my eyebrows meet when i'm upset. i cry when i'm hurt and offended, i give out hugs in appreciation. i give a thumbs up sign and say Great Job to a worthy recipient. i'm silent when there's a need for me to shut up and bite my tongue, and i walk away when i know it's not worth the fight. that's just me.. i may not be the most composed and together person. but always... i try my best to put a smile on my face, and try to look for something positive than dwell on the negative. you may hate me or love me, but the point is... whatever i dish out, it's my truth..

but i've never ever been rude and unjust, nor judgemental and disrespectful, even to the ones i don't see eye to eye with, and i reserve the right to expect nothing less.

yun lang naman.


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